5 Common Content Creation Mistakes You Want to Avoid - Heying
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5 Common Content Creation Mistakes You Want to Avoid

Content marketing is a massively effective strategy as its conversion rates are way higher than traditional marketing. Although creating content is not optional for your brand anymore, it needs to be valuable high-quality content in order to effectively attract your audience. The question is: how?

Not all content is created equal but there’s a few content crimes that are really common in the PR world. Take a look at this list and find out what you can do to fix your mistakes and get back on track to content marketing success.

1.There are typos. Your content may be beautifully written, but if you have glaring typos, you’ll instantly turn your audience off. Typos make your brand appear sloppy and unorganized. You want your content to leave as good of an impression as possible, and ensuring your copy is free of errors is the first step. Implement a proofreading procedure in your content creation process, and don’t leave both the proofreading and writing to one person. If you write a copy, send it to someone else to proof. And always give the piece a final proof before publishing.

2.It’s too generic. Content is a great tool for establishing your brand’s expertise and showcasing thought leadership. But if your content reads like everyone else’s, it won’t set your brand apart from the competition. Think about a topic you can speak to, and research what else has been said about it before you write. How can you take the idea in a new direction? Giving the topic a fresh angle will make the piece more interesting to your audience.

3.It’s not what your audience wants. If your content isn’t relevant to your audience, they won’t read it. So how do you know what types of content your audience is interested in? Use your social listening tools and pay attention to their online habits. What topics do they interact with most? Before you begin writing, ask yourself: how will this piece of content benefit my audience? What will they gain from it? Focus on helping your audience and build your content around solving their problems.

4.You don’t have a call to action. Getting people to read your content is just the beginning. After they’ve read your content, what do you want them to do? Perhaps, you want them to subscribe to your blog or email list, read another page or buy a service. Without a call to action, your readers will not take the next step. Including a call to action will drive leads and convert customers. Use tracking links to easily demonstrate the value of your content and prove its impact.

5.You’re pushing the hard sell. Content that is too promotional isn’t appealing. Your audience doesn’t want to read a sales pitch; they want to know how you can help them. It’s okay to mention or highlight your brand within your content but it should never be your main focus.

Are you guilty of committing one of these content crimes? Avoiding them will make your marketing content more efficient.