How to Crush Your Law Firm Interview - Heying
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How to Crush Your Law Firm Interview

Construct an eye-catching resume

Your resume is what sells you and what gets you the interview you have been waiting for. Avoid vague and generic language and instead, make sure it showcases you’re experienced, skilled, and well-suited for the job. Stay away from random hobbies and interests that will make you stand out in a bad way and have no relevance to the job you’re applying for. Lastly, your references must be credible (they will check them), make sure to bring plenty of copies with you, and keep it free from mechanical errors.

Inform Yourself

It is imperative to familiarize yourself with their law firm prior to going to your interview in order for them to know that you’ve done your research. Know any major events that have taken place throughout the course of the company’s history. For example, has the company ever faced turmoil with their business? Are they growing financially or staying stagnant? What’s the turnover like? What is their environment and culture like? Also, be sure to read the bios of the staff along with anyone interviewing you.

Understand the job description

Not only do you want to familiarize yourself with the company and their staff, but also be sure to get acquainted with the role that you’re applying for.  This involves taking the time to research the job position along with developing an understanding of what the law firm is looking for if they are to hire you. That way when you’re asked questions, you can tailor your answers to what the role entails.

Don’t forget to ask questions

In order to leave your interview on a great note, be assertive and let them know you want the job. Be sure to ask them at least two questions about the business and/or the position— it will make a huge impact. Doing this will not only demonstrate how serious you are about working for this firm, but it will show your excitement to excel in the position, and that you genuinely care about getting the job!