3 Tips on How to Make Your Facebook Posts Stand Out to Consumers - Heying
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3 Tips on How to Make Your Facebook Posts Stand Out to Consumers

When it comes to social media, Facebook no doubt reigns supreme.

Roughly 79 percent of internet users in the U.S. use the platform—and most use Facebook more than any other social media site or app. That presents a huge opportunity, and challenge, for marketers.

What makes a Facebook post get more likes, shares and comments?


Here are three elements of Facebook posts that can help win over consumers:


  1. Short is sweet.

Long posts aren’t always best: Facebook posts which generated the most engagement had fewer than 50 words. Additionally, posts that shared links earned higher interaction when those links led to posts with only 1,000 to 3,000 words. Less is more when posting on Facebook.


  1. Time your “likes.”

The best time to post on Facebook is during off-hours, when there is less competition to be seen in users’ news feeds. By posting on Facebook during off-peak hours, your posts have a greater chance of being seen, read and shared—setting you on the right track for greater engagement.


  1. Share videos to captivate.

With so many Facebook posts dying to be seen and shared, grab readers’ attention through videos. They’re shared on Facebook more often than other types of content. Visual content is the most shared content, with videos being king.


Below are more surprising findings:

  • Be Brief: the most engaging posts were less than 50 characters. Interactions dropped sharply when posts were longer.
  • Link to long articles: Posts sharing links got more engagement if the links were to posts of 1000-3000 words
  • 79 percent of Americans online use Facebook
  • Questions got more likes than all other post types