5 Steps to a LinkedIn Page for your Law Firm - Heying
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5 Steps to a LinkedIn Page for your Law Firm

Since its launch in 2003 LinkedIn has altered the way the world does business. One of the first steps to networking in today’s competitive and tech-savvy world is creating a LinkedIn profile. While the idea of learning a new social platform can feel daunting, the reality is that social platforms are made to be used by everyone. Like anything, the more you practice the better you will get at using them as a tool for networking.


Step One: Create a Personal Profile

To create a company page for your law firm, you must first have a personal profile. It’s important to include a professional photo of yourself as well as succinct descriptions of work experience, much like a resume. Once you have your own profile, connect with current and past co-workers, classmates, or peers you consider a positive professional connection.

Step Two: A Visually Appealing Company Page

Your company page should present your law firm similarly to the way an office itself does. The page cover photo is the first thing visitors will see, like the front door of an office building. Make sure it is an image that exemplifies your firm’s goals and client base. Along with the page cover photo, a profile photo is essential and can be as simple as using your firm’s logo.

Step Three: About your Law Firm

Develop an “about” section that sends a message that is applicable to both potential clients and potential employees. A LinkedIn page presents opportunities to expand your connections on all fronts. Including your firm’s mission statement is a great start and opening line to introduce your firm. The description should be a paragraph or two, since your profile is meant to be a quick way for visitors to gain an understanding of what your firm does.

Step Four: Building Connections

Encourage all of your employees to connect with your law firm page in order to increase its visibility and create an accurate representation of your firm. With each new employee connection your law firm has, you are also gaining exposure to their connections.

Step Five: Actively Sharing

Once your law firm page is finalized, share relevant content to keep your firm in the news feeds of all your connections. LinkedIn is a great place to share blog posts that showcase your firm’s expertise. If your firm doesn’t have a blog, sharing relevant news articles can be extremely effective in letting potential clients and business connections know that you are informed and updated on current events within your industry.

Be sure to keep your LinkedIn and other social profiles up-to-date at all times in order to ensure a consistent professional appearance.